Meet Karon and Nigel. Here's a bit more about them......

Hi I am Karon Clements

I have been an EFT Practitioner since 2011. I have been using healing work for years but found that even though I could help someone with pain issues, their pain would often return if they still held onto painful emotions. Teaching these clients this simple and effective tool called EFT gave people control of their emotions, thoughts and beliefs. They were able to release their pain and the results were lasting.

Over the years I have watched people who were on the verge of suicide turn their lives around and they now live a meaningful and enjoyable life. They literally have a tool at their fingertips that they can use whenever they need. These people have used and complied with directions from phycologists and doctors, but were not finding relief. Initially they felt just tapping on acupuncture points was never going to help with the severity of the problem, but it has.

In general they can sleep with little or no medication. They have been able to let go of the issues that were bothering them and have found relief and joy. Release from anxiety and depression. The stress hormones were no longer taking control. They are able to heal.

I could keep going with all the differences to their lives. You can see why I am passionate to spread the word of EFT and make as many people aware as possible.

One of my aims is to pass on my knowledge to professionals, ie teachers, counsellors, physios, reflexologists, yoga teachers, etc. They then can pass EFT on to their students and clients. This is happening now as we speak and will keep expanding with the help of others.

My business is called Health Matters and health does really matter to me as I suffered ill health for many years. EFT has been such a help to turn my life around. I suffered domestic violence and abuse and now I live life to the full, and help others to do the same.

I broke my pelvis and my back, dislocated my shoulder and suffered head injuries leading to vertigo. Now I have no aches or pains I don’t just teach EFT, I use it!

Nigel Colmer and myself run EFT Tapping Training Worldwide and offer accredited Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 accredited trainings in person and worldwide. We also offer short talks to various groups to give an awareness of the effectiveness of EFT.

Best wishes, Karon
Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
Reiki Master & Energy Healer

Hi, I’m Nigel Colmer. How can I help you?

I have been on the self improvement trail for over 30 years now. Like you, I've had a number of life changing events that completely threw me and left me wondering what life is all about.

My main belief as a child was if I put myself out there, I’ll be judged, if I show the real me, I’ll be attacked, both verbally and physically. I’ll be bullied, chastised, ridiculed, embarrassed, taunted and teased. So I decided from a young age that it’s best to play it small, best to stay in the shadows, stay out of harms way, say and do what needs to be said and done to please other people. That way I wouldn't draw any attention to myself and I could get through each day safely. That took energy. That took a lot of preparation and while I was coming up with strategies and day dreaming about how life was going to be when I was older, the simple truth was I missed out on living in the moment and wasted so much of my time and energy. 

Fast forward to 2013 when I finally got help from practitioners who used safe, scientifically tried and tested techniques to clear my fears and limiting beliefs, and I now live a life I never thought possible. I now have full health, am in a loving relationship and experience a lifestyle that is in alignment with how I feel inside. Because it starts from the inside. I now like, love and respect myself. I no longer look for love and validation from outside of me, I give to myself what I once craved from others. 

In short, if I can make these changes, then so can you. I can help you clear your limiting beliefs, beliefs most likely imposed onto you from significant others. I will help you boost your confidence and self esteem. 

I am pleased to meet you on this forum and if after watching my videos on this site you want to learn how I can help you reclaim your health and happiness, then make contact with me using the various methods attached, and learn how we can create your pathway to emotional and physical well being, now!

Best wishes, Nigel
Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner
Havening Technique Practitioner
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
Reiki Master
Meet Karon and Nigel imageMeet Karon and Nigel image