Emotional Freedom Techniques Level 1 and Level 2 Practitioner Training combined - From 1pm to 5pm each day - taking place each consecutive Tuesday for 5 weeks beginning 18th March 2025. Total investment of £485 with discount available for CRUN associates
Begin your EFT journey with Foundation Level 1 training, using the accredited syllabus from The EFT & Mindfulness Centre
The course structure is a mix of:
Relaxed sharing of content
Video viewing
Supported practice in pairs
Group & individual work
During this training you will discover the basics of EFT and will go home with sufficient knowledge to be able to use EFT for yourself for everyday issues.
You will:
Learn the basics of how to use EFT, grading the severity of the issue, using the set-up statement and all the tapping points
Become familiar with how EFT came into being and it’s basis in acupuncture
Understand the importance of finding core issues
Practice using basic EFT with a partner
Know some of the uses of EFT, including for stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, cravings and physical pain
On completion of the EFT Level 1 course you will feel confident using EFT for yourself, and with friends and family. You will also receive a Certificate of Attendance for this foundation level.
The EFT Level 1 syllabus is accredited by the EFT & Mindfulness Centre.
Each day begins at 1pm until 5pm UK time
Your course fee includes:
Once you have completed Level 1, you continue to deepen your knowledge of EFT, either for personal use or to work with clients. This training then enables you to continue to the EFT Level 2 training which on completion of case studies, supervision and an online test, enables you to become an accredited EFT practitioner.
During this EFT Practitioner Level 2 training, you will learn the skills required to take you further on your path to become an EFT practitioner. The course is uses the Accredited Syllabus of the EFT & Mindfulness Centre.
EFT is a gentle, non-invasive but incredibly powerful way of working with just about any sort of unwanted or uncomfortable emotion.
In particular, it is commonly used for * Depression * Panic & Anxiety * Trauma * Stress * Fears and phobias * Back pain * Hypertension * Food cravings * Lack of confidence * Procrastination * Addictions * CFS and Fibromyalgia * Exam nerves * PTSD * Chronic Illness
It can be used with everyone, from young children to the elderly.
Attendees are required to have completed EFT Level 1.
The course structure is a mix of:
During the course you will discover:
On completion of the course you will receive a Certificate of Attendance. If you wish to become a practitioner, the requirements are:
You will then be able to obtain professional personal indemnity insurance usually at a cost of around £50, depending on your location, and become a practitioner. Existing practitioners of other disciplines are likely to be able to add EFT to their existing insurance policy for little or no cost.
Each day runs from 1pm to 5pm UK time
Your course fee includes: